Creating bespoke books that give bereaved children access to stories of a parent who has passed away.


writing book memorial child bereavement, bespoke books, personalised books


  • We gather stories from the friends and family of the lost loved one.

  • Contributors are interviewed and helped to recall their memories.

  • We professionally write and edit their stories.

  • Their content is typeset and added to the book, along with photos.

pages book love heart bereaved child memorial, writing book memorial child bereavement, bespoke books, personalised books
  • We take all the stories and memories from the contributors and create a beautiful, high-quality book.

  • The book is printed in a hard-back, square format, on high quality paper.

  • The book is gifted to the bereaved child.

  • The child will feel supported, and connected to their lost parent.

  • Contributors will also enjoy the stories and remember their loved one.

Create a Lasting Legacy

“Learning about my dad’s life, helped me process my grief”

Tessa Marshall - Founder

Read the full article…


help for bereaved children

Because you loved them

Losing a loved one is tough, really tough but you have memories and stories of that person, right there in your head. A child has much fewer memories, if any at all.

Sharing those memories is the greatest gift you can give a bereaved child.

family roots bereavement

Because you can

Parents, grandparents, friends and colleagues connect the bereaved child to their lost parent.

Your stories and memories are the roots and branches that form the family tree and keep the connection alive.

helping bereaved children holding hands

Because time will move on

It is inevitable that as time moves on family and friendship circles change. Before we know it connections that were strong have diminished and been lost.

Once this happens the stories and memories cannot be readily shared.

bereaved child reading book

Because the time is now

Contributors can take a truly positive step to help the bereaved child.

Your gift will stay with the child for the rest of their life.


"Memories, memories, memories. Find ways to capture memories. Put them away and one day you’ll be asked. When the time comes, have something that you can tangibly give a child so that they can piece it together, even as an adult”

“Voices of Adults Bereaved as Children”
University of Cambridge, 2019